Predicting the Photo-voltaic energy production#
This Notebook aims at predicting the energy producte by solar pannel.
It uses weather data extracted from the MeteoFrance numerical models, as well as history of productions provided by RTE.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
filename_ssrd_regions = "../../data/silver/mean_daily_sun_j0.csv"
filename_energy_preduction = "../../data/rte_agg_daily_2014_2024.csv"
df_ssrd_regions = pd.read_csv(filename_ssrd_regions, parse_dates=["time"]).set_index(
# sanitise the column names
region_names = [
col.replace(" ", "_").replace("'", "_").replace("-", "_").lower()
for col in df_ssrd_regions.columns
df_ssrd_regions.columns = region_names
region_names = df_ssrd_regions.columns
# Doing so to add empty rows for missing days
df_ssrd_regions.plot(figsize=(15, 10))
df_ssrd_regions["days_from_start"] = [
(date - df_ssrd_regions.index[0]).days for date in df_ssrd_regions.index
auvergne_rhône_alpes | bourgogne_franche_comté | bretagne | centre_val_de_loire | corse | grand_est | hauts_de_france | normandie | nouvelle_aquitaine | occitanie | pays_de_la_loire | provence_alpes_côte_d_azur | île_de_france | days_from_start | |
time | ||||||||||||||
2022-02-01 | 261520.851689 | 90775.394750 | 163552.580967 | 34723.093875 | 456686.957700 | 44975.603958 | 21341.962363 | 42435.778336 | 185091.563333 | 315764.897917 | 122142.333333 | 425822.506650 | 15171.129004 | 0 |
2022-02-02 | 197822.709267 | 59674.926817 | 225057.752062 | 163614.112946 | 455816.711071 | 36565.521433 | 66463.473763 | 155318.998325 | 240519.501958 | 292222.562750 | 244625.748700 | 430004.543860 | 73755.427321 | 1 |
2022-02-03 | 299190.206288 | 190444.998208 | 81208.290680 | 150123.865750 | 408849.293058 | 124497.688083 | 48622.630200 | 47198.020700 | 218038.002000 | 342835.312917 | 119590.019712 | 383634.419163 | 87619.219558 | 2 |
2022-02-04 | 284906.858032 | 131882.476333 | 228456.231833 | 92169.886950 | 330461.622500 | 87107.948417 | 120341.102958 | 164888.956167 | 112435.209250 | 238153.647625 | 168470.041229 | 390108.203765 | 113925.635167 | 3 |
2022-02-05 | 362909.540192 | 346769.893083 | 318892.106625 | 308881.768208 | 310414.561742 | 243847.895724 | 259733.252833 | 262925.207583 | 402942.371958 | 325491.808458 | 338302.897500 | 442079.500878 | 274746.580333 | 4 |
df_energy_preduction = pd.read_csv(filename_energy_preduction, index_col=0)[["Solaire"]]
df_energy_preduction.index = pd.to_datetime(df_energy_preduction.index)
df_energy_preduction.head(), df_energy_preduction.tail()
( Solaire
2015-01-01 11370.5
2015-01-02 8297.5
2015-01-03 5860.5
2015-01-04 6926.0
2015-01-05 9786.5,
2024-04-04 76581.5
2024-04-05 72847.5
2024-04-06 61577.5
2024-04-07 46718.5
2024-04-08 26677.0)
# align the indexes of the two dataframes
data = pd.concat([df_ssrd_regions, df_energy_preduction], join="inner", axis=1)
auvergne_rhône_alpes | bourgogne_franche_comté | bretagne | centre_val_de_loire | corse | grand_est | hauts_de_france | normandie | nouvelle_aquitaine | occitanie | pays_de_la_loire | provence_alpes_côte_d_azur | île_de_france | days_from_start | Solaire | |
2022-02-01 | 261520.851689 | 90775.394750 | 163552.580967 | 34723.093875 | 456686.957700 | 44975.603958 | 21341.962363 | 42435.778336 | 185091.563333 | 315764.897917 | 122142.333333 | 425822.506650 | 15171.129004 | 0 | 21938.5 |
2022-02-02 | 197822.709267 | 59674.926817 | 225057.752062 | 163614.112946 | 455816.711071 | 36565.521433 | 66463.473763 | 155318.998325 | 240519.501958 | 292222.562750 | 244625.748700 | 430004.543860 | 73755.427321 | 1 | 21271.0 |
2022-02-03 | 299190.206288 | 190444.998208 | 81208.290680 | 150123.865750 | 408849.293058 | 124497.688083 | 48622.630200 | 47198.020700 | 218038.002000 | 342835.312917 | 119590.019712 | 383634.419163 | 87619.219558 | 2 | 20527.5 |
2022-02-04 | 284906.858032 | 131882.476333 | 228456.231833 | 92169.886950 | 330461.622500 | 87107.948417 | 120341.102958 | 164888.956167 | 112435.209250 | 238153.647625 | 168470.041229 | 390108.203765 | 113925.635167 | 3 | 19051.0 |
2022-02-05 | 362909.540192 | 346769.893083 | 318892.106625 | 308881.768208 | 310414.561742 | 243847.895724 | 259733.252833 | 262925.207583 | 402942.371958 | 325491.808458 | 338302.897500 | 442079.500878 | 274746.580333 | 4 | 41271.5 |
from statsmodels.formula.api import ols
# split test for time series
from sklearn.model_selection import TimeSeriesSplit
4 models are tested :
Only Total sun flux (no region details)
Only regions sun flux (no time feature)
Total sun flux + time
Regions sun flux + time
The Time feature allows to model a trend in the number of installed solar pannels.
exo_vars = df_ssrd_regions.columns
exo_vars = exo_vars.drop("days_from_start")
data["mean_sun"] = data[exo_vars].mean(axis=1)
endog_var = "Solaire"
tscv = TimeSeriesSplit(n_splits=60, test_size=1) # testing on 1 days forcast
def test_model(formula="Solaire ~ mean_sun -1"):
mod_1_mape = []
for i, (train_index, test_index) in enumerate(tscv.split(data)):
model_1 = ols(formula, data=data.iloc[train_index]).fit()
if i == 0:
first_test_index = test_index
first_model_1 = model_1
predictions = model_1.predict(data.iloc[test_index])
error = data.iloc[test_index]["Solaire"] - predictions
mape = (error.abs() / data.iloc[test_index]["Solaire"]).mean()
last_test_index = test_index
last_model_1 = model_1
return mod_1_mape, first_test_index, first_model_1, last_test_index, last_model_1
mod_1_mape, first_test_index, first_model_1, last_test_index, last_model_1 = (
ax = data.plot(y="Solaire", label="True")
ax=ax, label="First Test Predicted"
ax=ax, label="Last Test Predicted", lw=2
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fccc45d9de0>
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.hist(mod_1_mape, bins=20)
ax.set_title("MAPE distribution for model 1")
Text(0.5, 0, 'MAPE')
formula_2 = f"Solaire ~ {' + '.join(exo_vars)} -1"
mod_2_mape, first_test_index, first_model_2, last_test_index, last_model_2 = test_model(
Solaire ~ auvergne_rhône_alpes + bourgogne_franche_comté + bretagne + centre_val_de_loire + corse + grand_est + hauts_de_france + normandie + nouvelle_aquitaine + occitanie + pays_de_la_loire + provence_alpes_côte_d_azur + île_de_france -1
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.hist(mod_2_mape, bins=20)
ax.set_title("MAPE distribution for model 2")
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'MAPE distribution for model 2')
formula_3 = "Solaire ~ mean_sun + days_from_start -1"
mod_3_mape, first_test_index, first_model_3, last_test_index, last_model_3 = test_model(
formula_4 = f"Solaire ~ {' + '.join(exo_vars)} + days_from_start -1"
mod_4_mape, first_test_index, first_model_4, last_test_index, last_model_4 = test_model(
print("formula_3", formula_3)
print("formula_4", formula_4)
formula_3 Solaire ~ mean_sun + days_from_start -1
formula_4 Solaire ~ auvergne_rhône_alpes + bourgogne_franche_comté + bretagne + centre_val_de_loire + corse + grand_est + hauts_de_france + normandie + nouvelle_aquitaine + occitanie + pays_de_la_loire + provence_alpes_côte_d_azur + île_de_france + days_from_start -1
# display the MAPE distribution for all models (KDE)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for i, mape in enumerate([mod_1_mape, mod_2_mape, mod_3_mape, mod_4_mape]):
pd.Series(mape).plot.kde(ax=ax, label=f"Model {i+1}")
ax.set_title("MAPE distribution for all models")
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fcc834ec7c0>
# print mean MAPE for all models
for i, mape in enumerate([mod_1_mape, mod_2_mape, mod_3_mape, mod_4_mape]):
print(f"Model {i+1} mean MAPE: {np.mean(mape):.2%}")
Model 1 mean MAPE: 30.85%
Model 2 mean MAPE: 21.88%
Model 3 mean MAPE: 18.18%
Model 4 mean MAPE: 13.79%
The model performances doesn’t really follow the expected order (more feature => better performance)
Maybe this is due to some sort of over-fitting, even thought there are not so mainy features…